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Культура и искусство - общественные организации

Давайте по говорим Англиский! Let"s Start Talking English!

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Summer Language Program - Metro Kuntsevo/Krilatskoe
June 15 to July 25
Have you been learning English? I have a great opportunity for you. You can practice your English skills this summer, in Moscow, primarily individually (one to one) with some group practice, and have a great time doing it. All you have to do is show up and help provide the rental of a place to meet and the cost of the printed materials used. That is 400 rubles total, for 5 weeks of practice. You get 2 to 3 one hour meetings per week with your language practice assistant, who has been specially prepared to help you to get started talking in English.

Here are some of the pluses of this approach:

First: It"s interesting. The topics chosen are designed to get you thinking and involved in discussion on an emotional and intellectual level. Likely you will explore topics you have never discussed in your previous English language instruction. The extra activities and parties are fun. You can learn some things through doing, whether it be sports, picnics outside Moscow,
a river cruise, game nights, or an intensive camp at the end of the 5 week program.

Second: It is convenient. You meet individually, that is one on one, with your language practice assistants one hour at a time, 2 or 3 times a week for 5 weeks. If you like you can invite them during their free time to accompany you in activities you are involved in.

Third: It is friendly. These native speakers are really interested in understanding Russia as a people and in understanding how you view the world and even their culture. It is a true cultural exchange.

Fourth: It is challenging. These guys and girls don"t know Russian. To communicate you will have to stretch yourself and improve your listening and speaking ability.

Fifth: It is inexpensive. Your cost is only what it takes for you to get to your meetings, and the overhead for a meeting place and printed materials. That is 400 rubles total. This is not a money making operation.

Sixth: It is focused. This year the program begins in the middle of June and ends the end of July. There will be an intensive camp experience for those who qualify. The meetings will be held in the Western region of Moscow, in the region of Kuntsevo, Molodezhnaya, Krilatskoe.

If you or your friend don"t know enough English to qualify for this program or are not available yourselves, please feel free to invite those you know who might. Special private lessons in beginning English are available for those who don"t already have a basic knowledge of English, and these lessons are with an experienced Russian English teacher.

Hurry, don"t miss this opportunity and call 933-2481. We will interview you over the phone and help you schedule your first meeting. Evening meeting times are limited so call right away!

Контактная информация:
Россия, Москва, Осенний Булвар 10 № 342
Телефоны: 933-2481 415-33-22

Email: tbrinley@yahoo.com



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